Jump to: Journal Articles(18), Conference Publications(14), Conference Presentations(19), Books(1), Patents(15)

Journal Articles

  1. 50 nm DrGaN in 3D monolithic GaN MOSHEMT and Silicon PMOS process on 300 mm GaN-on-Si(111)
    H.W. Then, M. Radosavljevic, S. Bader, A. Zubair, H. Vora, P. Koirala, M. Beumer, P. Nordeen, A. Vyatskikh, T. Hoff, J. Peck, N. Desai, H. Krishnamurthy, J. Yu, K. Ravichandran, P. Fischer
    Power Electronic Devices and Components 10, 100074 (2025).
  2. Advancements in 300 mm GaN-on-Si Technology With Industry’s First Circuit Demonstration of Monolithically Integrated GaN and Si Transistors
    Q. Yu, A.A. Farid, I. Momson, J. Garrett, H. Vora, S. Bader, A. Zubair, P. Koirala, M. Beumer, A. Vyatskikh, P. Nordeen, T. Hoff, M. Radosavljevic, S. Rami, F. O’Mahony, H.W. Then
    IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters 34(6), 745-748 (2024).
  3. Enhancement-Mode 300-mm GaN-on-Si(111) With Integrated Si CMOS for Future mm-Wave RF Applications
    H.W. Then, M. Radosavljevic, Q. Yu, A. Latorre-Rey, H. Vora, S. Bader, I. Momson, D. Thomson, M. Beumer, P. Koirala, J. Peck, A. Oni, T. Hoff, R. Jordan, T. Michaelos, N. Nair, P. Nordeen, A. Vyatskikh, I. Ban, A. Zubair, S. Rami, P. Fischer
    IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters 33(6), 835-838 (2023).
  4. Electric Fields and Surface Fermi Level in Undoped GaN/AlN Two-Dimensional Hole Gas Heterostructures
    Ł. Janicki, R. Chaudhuri, S.J. Bader, H.G. Xing, D. Jena, R. Kudrawiec
    physica status solidi (RRL) – Rapid Research Letters 15(4), 2000573 (2021).
  5. Next generation electronics on the ultrawide-bandgap aluminum nitride platform
    A.L. Hickman, R. Chaudhuri, S.J. Bader, K. Nomoto, L. Li, J.C.M. Hwang, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    Semiconductor Science and Technology 36(4), 044001 (2021).
    • ★ Invited Paper, IOP Top Cited Paper Award 2024
  6. First RF Power Operation of AlN/GaN/AlN HEMTs With >3 A/mm and 3 W/mm at 10 GHz
    A. Hickman, R. Chaudhuri, L. Li, K. Nomoto, S.J. Bader, J.C.M. Hwang, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society 9(), 121-124 (2021).
  7. Prospects for Wide bandgap and Ultrawide bandgap CMOS Devices
    S.J. Bader, H. Lee, N. Chowdhury, R. Chaudhuri, S. Huang, A. Hickman, H.W. Then, A. Molnar, T. Palacios, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 67, 4010-4020 (2020).
    • ★ Invited Paper
  8. GaN HEMTs on Si with Regrown Contacts and Cutoff/Maximum Oscillation Frequencies of 250/204 GHz
    L. Li, K. Nomoto, M. Pan, W. Li, A. Hickman, J. Miller, K. Lee, Z. Hu, S.J. Bader, S.M. Lee, J.C. Hwang, D. Jena, H.G. Xing
    IEEE Electron Device Letters 41, 689-692 (2020).
  9. Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of Large-Area GaN/AlN 2D Hole Gas Heterostructures
    R. Chaudhuri, S.J. Bader, Z. Chen, D. Muller, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    physica status solidi (b) , 1900567 (2020).
  10. High Breakdown Voltage in RF AlN/GaN/AlN Quantum Well HEMTs
    A. Hickman, R. Chaudhuri, S.J. Bader, K. Nomoto, K. Lee, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    IEEE Electron Device Letters 40(8), 1293-1296 (2019).
  11. Wurtzite Phonons and the Mobility of a GaN / AlN 2D Hole Gas
    S.J. Bader, R. Chaudhuri, M.F. Schubert, H.W. Then, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    Applied Physics Letters 114(253501), 1-5 (2019).
    • ★ Editor’s Pick
  12. A polarization-induced 2D hole gas in undoped gallium nitride quantum wells
    R. Chaudhuri, S.J. Bader, Z. Chen, D.A. Muller, H. Xing, D. Jena
    Science 365(6460), 1454-1457 (2019).
  13. Gate-recessed E-mode p-channel HFET with high on-current based on GaN/AlN 2D hole gas
    S.J. Bader, R. Chaudhuri, K. Nomoto, A. Hickman, Z. Chen, H.W. Then, D.A. Muller, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    IEEE Electron Device Letters 39(12), 1848-1851 (2018).
  14. A New Holistic Model of 2-D Semiconductor FETs
    E.G. Marin, S.J. Bader, D. Jena
    IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 65(3), 1239-1245 (2018).
  15. Terahertz spectroscopy of an electron-hole bilayer system in AlN/GaN/AlN quantum wells
    H.C. Quispe, S.M. Islam, S. Bader, A. Chanana, K. Lee, R. Chaudhuri, A. Nahata, H.G. Xing, D. Jena, B. Sensale-Rodriguez
    Applied Physics Letters 111(7), 073102 (2017).
  16. High breakdown single-crystal GaN p-n diodes by molecular beam epitaxy
    M. Qi, K. Nomoto, M. Zhu, Z. Hu, Y. Zhao, V. Protasenko, B. Song, X. Yan, G. Li, J. Verma, S. Bader, P. Fay, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    Applied Physics Letters 107(23), 232101 (2015).
  17. Coherence and decay of higher energy levels of a superconducting transmon qubit
    M.J. Peterer, S.J. Bader, X. Jin, F. Yan, A. Kamal, T.J. Gudmundsen, P.J. Leek, T.P. Orlando, W.D. Oliver, S. Gustavsson
    Physical Review Letters 114(1), 010501 (2015).
  18. Effective incidence angles of sky-diffuse and ground-reflected irradiance for various incidence angle modifier types
    E. Strobach, D. Faiman, S.J. Bader, S.J. Hile
    Solar Energy 89, 81-88 (2013).

Conference Publications

  1. A 28GHz Beamformer Demonstration Using Monolithic Heterogeneous Integrated GaN and Si Transistors in 300mm GaN-on-Si Technology
    Q. Yu, I. Momson, A. Farid, G. Dogiamis, S. Bader, S. Tang, J. Garrett, D. Thomson, L. Xie, M. Radosavljevic, H. Vora, M. Beumer, M. Tiebout, G. Knoblinger, S. Rami, H.W. Then
    2025 International Microwave Symposium (IMS)
  2. Design kit development on a 300mm GaN-on-Si demonstration platform with integrated Si pMOS
    S.J. Bader, A. Zubair, A. Latorre-Rey, M. Hansen, S. Sarkar, A. Asif, D. Frolov, K. Narayanan, J. Rangaswamy, P.K. Kaur, S. Kumar, N. Kundu, S.S. Jayaprakash, A. Khobragade, Y. Pathivada, Q. Yu, J. Vasudevan, I. Momson, S. Rami, H. Vora, M. Radosavljevic, P. Koirala, M. Beumer, A. Vyatskikh, P. Nordeen, T. Hoff, N. Desai, H.W. Then
    2024 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium (BCICTS)
  3. PBTI in Scaled Oxide Submicron Enhancement Mode High-K Gallium Nitride Transistors
    S. Joy, K. Joshi, A. Zubair, S. Bader, J. Peck, M. Beumer, P. Koirala, M. Radosavljevic, H. Vora, I. Meric, H.W. Then
    2024 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS)
  4. DrGaN: an Integrated CMOS Driver-GaN Power Switch Technology on 300mm GaN-on-Si with E-mode GaN MOSHEMT and 3D Monolithic Si PMOS
    H.W. Then, M. Radosavljevic, S. Bader, A. Zubair, H. Vora, N. Nair, P. Koirala, M. Beumer, P. Nordeen, A. Vyatskikh, T. Hoff, J. Peck, R. Nahm, T. Michaelos, E. Khora, R. Jordan, C. Hoffman, N. Franco, A. Oni, S. Beach, D. Garg, D. Frolov, A. Latorre-Rey, A. Mitaenko, J. Rangaswamy, S. Sarkar, S. Ahmed, V. Rayappa, H. Chiu, A. Hubert, S. Brophy, N. Arefm, N. Desai, H. Krishnamurthy, J. Yu, K. Ravichandran, P. Fischer
    2023 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM)
  5. Scaled Submicron Field-Plated Enhancement Mode High-K Gallium Nitride Transistors on 300mm Si(111) Wafer with Power FoM (RON xQGG) of 3.1 mohm-nC at 40V and fT/fMAX of 130/680GHz
    H.W. Then, M. Radosavljevic, P. Koirala, M. Beumer, S. Bader, A. Zubair, T. Hoff, R. Jordan, T. Michaelos, J. Peck, I. Ban, N. Nair, H. Vora, K. Joshi, I. Meric, A. Oni, N. Desai, H. Krishnamurthy, K. Ravichandran, J. Yu, S. Beach, D. Frolov, A. Hubert, A. Latorre-Rey, S. Rami, J. Rangaswamy, Q. Yu, P. Fischer
    2022 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM)
  6. A Fully Integrated 3.2-4.7GHz Doherty Power Amplifier in 300mm GaN-on-Si Technology
    Q. Yu, D. Thomson, H.W. Then, A. Latorre-Rey, M. Radosavljevic, M. Beumer, P. Koirala, N. Thomas, N. Nair, H. Vora, S. Bader, S. Rami
    2022 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium (BCICTS)
  7. 5G mmWave Power Amplifier and Low-Noise Amplifier in 300mm GaN-on-Si Technology
    Q. Yu, H.W. Then, D. Thomson, J. Chou, J. Garrett, I. Huang, I. Momson, S. Ravikumar, S. Hwangbo, A. Latorre-Rey, A. Roy, M. Radosavljevic, M. Beumer, P. Koirala, N. Thomas, N. Nair, H. Vora, S. Bader, J. Rode, J. Jensen, S. Rami
    2022 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits (VLSI)
  8. Advanced Scaling of Enhancement Mode High-K Gallium Nitride-on-300mm-Si(111) Transistor and 3D Layer Transfer GaN-Silicon Finfet CMOS Integration
    H.W. Then, M. Radosavljevic, P. Koirala, N. Thomas, N. Nair, I. Ban, T. Talukdar, P. Nordeen, S. Ghosh, S. Bader, T. Hoff, T. Michaelos, R. Nahm, M. Beumer, N. Desai, P. Wallace, V. Hadagali, H. Vora, A. Oni, X. Weng, K. Joshi, I. Meric, C. Nieva, S. Rami, P. Fischer
    2021 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM)
  9. GaN/AlN p-channel HFETs with Imax > 420mA/mm and 20 GHz fT/fMAX
    K. Nomoto, R. Chaudhuri, S.J. Bader, L. Li, A. Hickman, S. Huang, H. Lee, T. Maeda, H.W. Then, M. Radosavljevic, P. Fischer, A. Molnar, J.C.M. Hwang, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    2020 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM)
  10. GaN/AlN Schottky-gate p-channel HFETs with InGaN contacts and 100 mA/mm on-current
    S.J. Bader, R. Chaudhuri, A. Hickman, K. Nomoto, S. Bharadwaj, H.W. Then, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    2019 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM)
  11. Wide-bandgap Gallium Nitride p-channel MISFETs with enhanced performance at high temperature
    K. Nomoto, S.J. Bader, K. Lee, S. Bharadwaj, Z. Hu, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    2017 Device Research Conference (DRC)
  12. S-shaped negative differential resistance in III-Nitride blue quantum-well laser diodes grown by plasma-assisted MBE
    H. Turski, R. Yan, S.J. Bader, G. Muziol, C. Skierbiszewski, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    2017 Device Research Conference (DRC)
  13. Introducing the spiked p-n junction for tunnel devices and current gain
    S.J. Bader, D. Jena
    2016 Device Research Conference (DRC)
  14. CPV Vs. PV from a grid-matching perspective
    E. Strobach, S. Bader, D. Faiman, A.A. Solomon, G. Meron
    2012 8th International Conference on Concentrating Photovoltaic Systems (CPV-8)

Conference Presentations

  1. PBTI Saturation in Scaled Oxide sub-100nm LG Enhancement Mode High-K Gallium Nitride MOSHEMT Transistors
    A. Zubair, S.R. Joy, S. Bader, J. Peck, M. Beumer, P. Koirala, M. Radosavljevic, H. Vora, T. Hoff, J. Voeller, C. Hoffman, P. Golani, I. Meric, H.W. Then
    International Workshop on Nitrides (2024).
  2. GaN MOSHEMT Transistor Technology and Integrated ESD Device Solutions on 300mm GaN-on-Si(111) wafers
    H.W. Then, H. Gossner, S.J. Bader, M. Radosavljevic, R. Geiger, L. Giles, P. Koirala, M. Beumer, H. Vora, N. Nair, P. Nordeen, A. Vyatskikh, T. Hoff, J. Peck, T. Michaelos, E. Khora, R. Jordan, R. Nahm, A. Zubair, P. Fischer
    EOS/ESD Symposium 2023 (2023).
  3. 3D heterogeneous integration of GaN and Si transistor channels by Layer Transfer for Energy-Efficient and Compact System-on-Chip
    A. Zubair, H.W. Then, M. Radosavljevic, I. Ban, P. Koirala, M. Beumer, S.J. Bader, H. Vora, N. Nair, T. Michaelos, J. Peck, T. Hoff, P. Nordeen, A. Vyatskikh, P. Fischer
    Materials Research Society Spring Meeting (2023).
  4. CMP Opportunities for Emerging Semiconductor Technologies
    T. Hoff, H.W. Then, M. Radosavljevic, P. Nordeen, A. Vyatskikh, P. Koirala, M. Beumer, S.J. Bader, A. Zubair, T. Michaelos, J. Peck, N. Nair, H. Vora, A. Wagner, R. Nahm, D. Kohen, R. Vreeland, W. Brezinski, P. Fischer
    Center for Advanced Materials Processing CMP Symposium (2023).
  5. Progress in CMOS Integration in Wide-bandgap Electronics
    S.J. Bader
    International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (2021).
    • ★ Invited Speaker
  6. Fully passivated InAlN/GaN HEMTs on silicon with fT/fMAX of 144/141 GHz
    K. Nomoto, M. Pan, Z. Hu, J. Miller, W. Li, A. Hickman, K. Lee, S.J. Bader, S.M. Lee, D. Jena, H.G. Xing
    Topical Workshop on Heterostructure Microelectronics (2019).
  7. The Mobility of a GaN-on-AlN Two-Dimensional Hole Gas
    S.J. Bader, R. Chaudhuri, G. Xing, D. Jena
    International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (2019).
  8. 2D Electron-Hole Gas Bilayers in Undoped AlN/GaN/AlN
    R. Chaudhuri, J. Miller, S.J. Bader, G. Xing, D. Jena
    International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (2019).
  9. Record Small-Signal RF and Off-State Breakdown Characteristics in AlN/GaN/AlN HEMTs
    A.L. Hickman, R. Chaudhuri, S.J. Bader, K. Nomoto, D. Jena, G. Xing
    International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (2019).
  10. Contactless Electroreflectance Studies of the Surface Fermi Level in GaN/AlN Heterostructures with Buried 2D Hole Gas
    L. Janicki, R. Chaudhuri, S.J. Bader, G. Xing, D. Jena, R. Kudrawiec
    International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (2019).
  11. GaN-on-AlN as a Superior Platform for Integrated Wide-bandgap Electronics
    S.J. Bader, A. Hickman, R. Chaudhuri, K. Nomoto, H.W. Then, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference (2019).
  12. The GaN-on-AlN Platform for Integrated Wide-bandgap Electronics
    S.J. Bader, A. Hickman, R. Chaudhuri, K. Nomoto, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    SRC Student Poster at IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (2018).
  13. Enhancement-mode GaN-on-AlN p-channel HFETs with record on-current
    S.J. Bader, R. Chaudhuri, S. Bharadwaj, A. Hickman, K. Nomoto, H.W. Then, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    International Workshop on Nitrides (2018).
  14. Polarization-induced 2D Hole Gas in Undoped GaN/AlN Heterostructures
    R. Chaudhuri, S. Bader, Z. Chen, D. Muller, H. Xing, D. Jena
    International Workshop on Nitrides (2018).
  15. First RF Strained AlN/GaN/AlN Quantum Well HEMTs on 6H-SiC
    A. Hickman, S.J. Bader, R. Chaudhuri, K. Nomoto, S. Islam, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    International Workshop on Nitrides (2018).
  16. 2D Hole Gas in MBE grown GaN/AlN Heterostructures
    R. Chaudhuri, S. Bader, A. Hickman, R. Page, H. Xing, D. Jena
    Electronic Materials Conference (2018).
  17. High-Voltage Properties of Strained GaN Quantum Well HEMTs on AlN
    A. Hickman, S.J. Bader, R. Chaudhuri, K. Nomoto, S. Islam, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    Compound Semiconductor Week (2018).
  18. Molecular Beam Epitaxy of High Mobility AlN/GaN/AlN Quantum Well FET Structures on 6H-SiC
    R. Chaudhuri, S. Bader, A. Hickman, S. Islam, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (2017).
  19. GaN/AlN Quantum Well FETs on AlN/SiC Platform Using High Temperature MBE Growth
    R. Chaudhuri, S. Islam, S. Bader, A.L. Hickman, S. Bharadwaj, H.G. Xing, D. Jena
    Electronic Materials Conference (2017).


  1. Linearity Aspects of High Power Amplification in GaN Transistors
    S.J. Bader, K. Shinohara, A. Molnar
    in High-frequency GaN Electronic Devices, published by Springer (2020).


  1. Gallium Nitride (GaN) integrated circuit technology
    N.K. Thomas, S.J. Bader, M. Radosavljevic, H.W. Then, P. Koirala, N. Nair
    Pending (US20230047449A1), submitted 2023.
  2. Transistor with a body and back gate structure in different material layers
    S.J. Bader, H.W. Then, I. Ban, H.C. Vora, M. Radosavljevic
    Pending (US20240222440A1), submitted 2022.
  3. Integrated circuit structures having backside high
    H.W. Then, M. Radosavljevic, S.J. Bader, A. Zubair, P. Koirala, M.S. Beumer, H.C. Vora, I. Ban, N. Nair, T. Hoff
    Pending (US20240213140A1), submitted 2022.
  4. Gallium nitride (gan) devices with through-silicon vias
    H.W. Then, M. Radosavljevic, H.C. Vora, S.J. Bader, A. Zubair, T. Hoff, P. Koirala, M.S. Beumer, P. Nordeen, N. Nair
    Pending (US20240213118A1), submitted 2022.
  5. Layer transfer diode or thin-film resistor for gallium nitride (gan) integrated circuit technology
    S.J. Bader, N.V. Desai, H.W. Then
    Pending (US20240203815A1), submitted 2022.
  6. Low Aluminum concentration Aluminum Gallium Nitride interlayer for Group III-Nitride (III-N) devices
    H. Vora, M. Radosavljevic, P. Koirala, H.W. Then, M. Beumer, A. Zubair, S.J. Bader
    Pending (US20240204091A1), submitted 2022.
  7. Layer Transfer Clamp for Gallium Nitride (GaN) integrated circuit technology
    S.J. Bader, N. Desai, H. Krishnamurthy, H.W. Then, W.J. Lambert, J. Yu
    Pending (US20240203978A1), submitted 2022.
  8. Gallium nitride (gan) transistors with lateral drain depletion
    H.W. Then, M. Radosavljevic, S.J. Bader, P. Koirala, M.S. Beumer, H.C. Vora, A. Zubair
    Pending (US20240021725A1), submitted 2022.
  9. Complex field-shaping by fine variation of local material density or properties
    S.J. Bader, H.W. Then
    Pending (US20230097805A1), submitted 2021.
  10. Gallium Nitride (GaN) selective epitaxial windows for integrated circuit technology
    S.J. Bader, P. Koirala, N.K. Thomas, H.W. Then, M. Radosavljevic
    Pending (US20230062922A1), submitted 2021.
  11. Gallium Nitride (GaN) integrated circuit technology with multi-layer epitaxy and layer transfer
    S. Ghosh, H.W. Then, P. Koirala, T. Talukdar, P. Nordeen, N. Nair, M. Radosavljevic, I. Ban, K. Jun, J. Gupta, P.B. Fischer, N.K. Thomas, T. Hoff, S.J. Bader
    Pending (US20230069054A1), submitted 2021.
  12. Gallium Nitride (GaN) layer transfer and regrowth for integrated circuit technology
    P. Koirala, S. Ghosh, P. Nordeen, T. Talukdar, T. Hoff, I. Ban, K. Jun, S.J. Bader, M. Radosavljevic, N.K. Thomas, P.B. Fischer, H.W. Then
    Pending (US20230054719A1), submitted 2021.
  13. RF high-electron-mobility transistors including group III-N stress neutral barrier layers with high breakdown voltages
    A. Hickman, R. Chaudhuri, S.J. Bader, D. Jena, H.G. Xing
    Granted (US11710785B2), 2023.
  14. Polarization-induced 2D hole gases for high-voltage p-channel transistors
    R. Chaudhuri, S.J. Bader, D. Jena, H.G. Xing
    Granted (US011158709B2), 2021.
  15. A high-voltage p-channel FET based on III-Nitride heterostructures
    S.J. Bader, R. Chaudhuri, D. Jena, H.G. Xing
    Granted (US11522080B2), 2022.

Misc helpful undergraduate content

Term Papers

Applied Superconductivity:
The Transmon Qubit

Electrical, Optical & Magnetic Materials/Devices:
Bulk-heterojunction Organic Photovoltaics

Quantum Mechanics III:
Intro to Quantum Error Correction

Atomic and Optical Physics I:
Quantum Non-demolition Photon Detection

Summer Projects

Quanta Lab:
Manual for Laser Stabilization

Institute for Quantum Computing:
Holevo Additivity Violation Search

Ben Gurion Solar Energy Center:
Power-grid Interactions Notes

Miscellaneous notes

Lie Algebras and Representation Theory:
Notes on Georgi [Ch.1-Ch.9]

Quantum Computation Notes:
Quantum Computation And Information
(Incomplete summary of Nielson and Chuang.)

Complex Analysis for Physicists:
Complex Analysis [Background matter]
